Maker: Connie of Noshkins & Facekins

I love the niche that our featured maker today is filling. In her latest endeavor she is bringing joy to many with felt food that is being used in a variety of unique ways! She is also doing her part to help people value the non-disposable attributes of something as simple as a cotton face pad.ย  Meet Connie and then go browse through her shop!


Please introduce yourself.

Hi! My name is Connie and I was born in Honolulu when it was still a territory of the United States. I grew up on the Monterey Peninsula in Pacific Grove, where my family still lives. In the mid โ€˜70s I moved to Southern California to attend CSULB, graduating with a BFA for graphic design. As a young child I wasย constantly drawing and painting and dreamed of being an artist!


What do you make or do?

Iโ€™ve been making very detailed felt food for 5 years. Itโ€™s a project of passion that gives delight to kids, brings smiles to the faces of adults, assists therapists with communicating with child patients, andย assists those with special needs (sensory processing disorders, autism, ADHD).

I also make a luxuriously soft fabric face pad that can be washed and reused over and over again. My hope is that more people with wash and reuse the pads rather than buying and throwing out disposable cotton pads.


Where can we find your creations?

All of my products are currently sold on Etsy ( and In addition, they are sold in Roots-the Beauty Underground in Laguna Beach and online at


Is there an interesting story behind the name of your business?

My husband and I brainstormed for days to come up with names for my products. Many were already taken. My husband is Jewish so the wordย โ€˜noshโ€™ย was on our list. The word is Yiddish for a snack or small item of food. Noshkins had the ring of something for kids.

We decided to keep with theย โ€˜kinsโ€™ย theme for my other product. Being a beauty related product used primarily on the face we settled on Facekins.


How long have you been creating and is it your full-time job?

After working for over 35 years as a graphic designer, creating and marketing my products has become my full time job. Iโ€™ve been creating all my life!

When you’re not making things, what do you do?

When not making my products (which isnโ€™t often), I love to read, play badminton, hike, cook, play games, draw & paint, and spend as much time as possible with my grandkids.

Is creativity a luxury or a necessity for you?

Creativity must be a necessity for me since I canโ€™t seem to help myself. When my husband requests a flyer or sign I end up taking more time than he ever imagined to design it. I canโ€™t just send a thank you card. I have to MAKE a thank you card!


What obstacles have you had to overcome to lead a creative life?

There are no obstacles to my creative life. Itโ€™s just a fact. I can stare at a wall or tree and see images or just be inspired.

Did someone in your family, a friend or teacher introduce you to your creative side or have they helped you along the way?

I always had a creative side. It really took hold under a wonderful high school art teacher who encouraged andย nurturedย my creativity. Iโ€™ll never forget Mr. La Pierre.

Where do you find inspiration?

Everything around me is inspirational. I love going to galleries to get new perspectives. Nature is always rejuvenating as well as inspiring with all itsโ€™ shapes, colors and patterns.

Whatโ€™s on the horizon for you and what you do?

We are working very hard on social media marketing and networking with other makers. My goal is to have a consistent online business. Iโ€™d love to get to the point where I can hire other creative people who are looking for an outlet and would like to make a little money.

If money wasnโ€™t an issue how would your life change with regards to your art?

If money wasnโ€™t an issue, Iโ€™d pay others to do some of the day-to-day necessities (like housecleaning) and have more time to experiment with art just for the heck of it!


What would be your perfect day off?

My perfect day off would be one of no obligations or expectations. Being outside, enjoying friends, and laughing.

Who are the makers that inspire you?

I love street art. It reminds me that you donโ€™t have to have a formal setting in order to be creative.

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