127 yard sale day 2: russell springs to Crossville


to the folks that put 127 yard sale together 127yardsale.com please check out their site!ย  there are forums, maps all that you need to know!

We had a great day today- lots of great finds!
Southern Kentucky had a few scores-juice jars and other finds but the real finds came up right after we crossed into Tennessee.
for the past 5 years, i’ve stopped at the sgt. alvin c. york state historical park. it is a great place to stop (although usually muggy), but they had a food stall, cold lemonade and i always, always found a treasure there. upon arrival at the park, i immediately noticed fewer vendors which made me think of the day before.ย  however, after talking to one vendor (where we bought a cool portable eight-track player), we found out what had happened: a recent park promotion, the new person in charge didn’t want 127 on park grounds.ย  the vendor said that 10 vendors were gone from last year (including the food booth), and that by next year, they were all going to find a new location (or set up across the street)- WEAK SAUCE! this was sad, i had always found good items at the park like…

radio shack: gustavo found a huge old-school radio shack sign and immediately i thought of my papa.ย  even though he never met my father, gustavo thought of him too and we decided to go for it and buy it having no idea where we would put it.ย  anyone who knew my father knew that he loved radio shack- well now we have this family heirloom!

remembering the conversation i had the night before, i asked a few vendors about how the sale was going- everyone had great things to say (especially about the weather). talking to an employee at our hotel, she said they could have used another 100 more rooms- they were that booked!ย  however, she did notice more out of towners than locals going to 127.

*scores of the day: radio shack sign, descoware, cowgirl bottle opener, more drinking sets, bourbon decanters, freaky toy bartender thing that looks like chuck is going to serve me a drink.

i am super excited for tomorrow because i will be visiting my favorite vendor a day early- buck creek antiques!!!

so loving the juice jar on the right- these were an early morning score
so loving the juice jar on the right- these were an early morning score
buggy time!
buggy time!
barn sale...wasnt too much here though
barn sale…wasnt too much here though
didnt get this but i love it
didnt get this but i love it
a portable eight-track stereo
a portable eight-track stereo
salt and pepper madness
salt and pepper madness
washer and dryer s&p anyone??
washer and dryer s&p anyone??
radio shack sign
radio shack sign
this toy scares me...it's like chuck the bartender
this toy scares me…it’s like chuck the bartender
single egg poacher
single egg poacher
glass, glass and more glass
glass, glass and more glass
a cowgirl bottle opener...fave of the day!
a cowgirl bottle opener…fave of the day!

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