3 mistakes most beginner Etsy sellers make (and how to avoid them)

3 mistakes most beginner Etsy sellers make (and how to avoid them)

Editor’s Note: We’re excited welcome Rachel Gregg from CreativeLive to the blog for this guest post on 3 mistakes most beginner Etsy sellers make. Rachel interviewed experienced Etsy sellers including Craftcation Conference presenters Lauren Venell and Marlo Miyashiro. CreativeLive is one of the best…

4 clues that you’re ready for more than a VA in your creative business

4 clues that you’re ready for more than a VA in your creative business

Editor’s Note: We’re excited to welcome a new contributor the Dear Handmade Life team… Leah Wechsler who is the content strategist, designer, and writer behind Creative, She Wrote. If you missed her first post you can check it out here: How to create a newsletter…