Let's root for each other & watch each other grow!

Let's root for each other & watch each other grow!


It’s a week of FREE online education, inspiration and actions including a panel discussion, a virtual craft brunch and more to help you grow your business by marketing with heart, building your community and lifting each other up.

To join us for Community Over Competition (COC) Week,  you can RSVP in the pink box below. We’ll send you a confirmation email that includes a link to the COC Club where you’ll access the full schedule, links to events, downloadable treats and more!

Community over Competition Week was created by Dear Handmade Life and Ampjar to help our communities boost their business and support system because we truly believe that rising tides lift all ships.

I can’t wait to be a part of Community over Competition Week! 


monday, january 11 - 5:00-6:30pm PT


We’ll kick of this inspiring week with a live Zoom discussion with a panel of community leaders discussing the power of community over competition and how to authentically market your brand and build your business with collaborations.

tuesday, january 12 - 5:00-6:00pm PT


Join Peter Davis, Founder of Ampjar, and Nicole Stevenson, CEO of Dear Handmade Life, for a step-by-step guide to help you make the most of Ampjar and learn how easy it is to share and be shared by authentic, awesome brands.

THURSDAY & FRIDAY, JANUARY 14-15 - all day!


Join us for our first ever Dear Handmade Life 2-day Share-a-Thon! 

What’s a Share-a-Thon? 

For 48 hours, we’re connecting the Dear Handmade Life community through Ampjar and encouraging everyone to share about each other over Instagram Stories to increase your exposure, widen your audience and lift each other up.

There’s no cost to take part, just sign up for a free Ampjar account here and then share your heart out about fellow small businesses in the Dear Handmade Life community on your IG stories on January 14 and 15, 2021.

saturday, january 16 - 11:00am-12:00pm PT


Join us for a Zoom craft brunch with one of our expert instructors from the Dear Handmade Life community. Bring a mimosa, coffee or your brunch beverage of choice and craft along with us as you create a community over competition inspired project.

how can ampjar help me
grow my business?

How great would it be so be able to get an extra boost of social media love for your next product release or an upcoming sale?

What if that boost was from a fellow small business that had a similar audience to you?

Ampjar connects you with like brands and helps you shout out about each other on Instagram stories, post-checkout, and in email newsletters.. The best part is, it’s FREE!

When you help your audience find other products or services that you know they’ll love, you not only bring them and the other brand joy but you also build your relationship and trust factor with your customer. It’s awesome when you organically discover another business that your audience would love but it doesn’t always happen that easily. That’s where Ampjar comes can help.

Here’s my personal invitation to apply to join the Ampjar community.

Don’t have many followers? Don’t let that stop you from applying! Pete and the Ampjar team aren’t focused on numbers. They are all about authentic communities and business owners that care. Their application process is easy, quick and can even enlighten you about your audience demographics.

I'm ready to learn how to market my business with heart and build up my community WHILE SUPPORTING OTHERS!