Podcast episode 11: Rejection + Taking Risks with Tiffany Han

rejection and taking risks with tiffany han on the dear handmade life podcast

This week on the Dear Handmade Life podcast we share our recipe for a Pighattan and talk to life and business coach Tiffany Han about rejection. Rejection is not one of our favorite feelings but it happens and it’s a part of life. Tiffany is helping people embrace rejection as a way to take risks through her 100 rejection letters project. We’ll swap stories about times someone said no to us as well as when we let fear get the best of us and we’ll tell you our favorite ways to deal with the bummer of being rejected.

*Here’s the the blog post we mention in the podcast about a time when Tiffany wished she would have taken taken the leap and risked rejection.

Have a suggestion for a drink, topic or guest you’d love to see featured on our the Dear Handmade Life podcast? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

-Delilah + Nicole

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Author: Nicole Stevenson
Serves: One delicious cocktail
This is my pig-centric take on a Manhattan cocktail. If you don’t eat meat, don’t fret. You can eliminate the bacon and rim the glass with sugar.
  • Bacon sugar (To make bacon sugar: cook some bacon and grind it in a coffee grinder or Cuisinart with equal parts brown sugar until it’s a fine powder.)
  • A few brandied cherries (My favorite brand is [url href=”https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001CDOBCM/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B001CDOBCM&linkCode=as2&tag=wwwdearhandma-20&linkId=UDA6IWZZRGEGYLPShttps://”]Luxardo[/url]. They’re a bit pricey but totally worth it!)
  • 3 shots of fine bourbon
  • A few dashes of delicious craft bitters
  • 1 orange
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of maple syrup
  1. Run your orange wedge along the rim of your glass and rim it with the bacon sugar.
  2. Put everything but the sugar and cherries in a shaker over ice and stir with a spoon.
  3. Pour into martini glass, add a few cherries and enjoy


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