Maker: Dayna of Foxboxes

These vintage inspired flasks make it hard to keep with the original intent of discrete pocket wear when you see them. You will want to show them to your friends, and display them on a shelf instead of tucking them away inside your pants’ pocket or purse. Meet Dayna of Foxboxes and check out her collection of cool collaged flasks.



please introduce yourself.

My name is Dayna Melton, I grew up right outside of Atlanta, GA and I am currently living in the greater Los Angeles area. I was a fine arts major in college and have always been drawn to all things creative and multi-media. My business partner and best friend, Bethany Putnam, and I met in college where we were attending art school together. We becameย roommates after school and started Foxboxes in our tiny apartment 3 years ago.

what do you make or do?

We create one of a kind handmade flasks! Each flask is stainless steel and we create each flask from vintage magazines and old road maps. Each flask is hand collaged and unique. We don’t have a great story for how we came up with the idea, but we both are lovers of all things vintage and we share the same weird sense of humor which is what generally inspires our collaged flasks.

where can we find your creations?

Currently we are saving most of our inventory for festivals and fairs, but you can see a lot of our work on our Facebook and etsy shop.

how long have you been creating and is it your full-time job?

We have been creating flasks for 3 years now. Bethany and I both have full time jobs and are looking to get more organized and serious about our business in the near future, but for now we are both having fun creating. I have been in California for about 2 years now and we are both taking care of things across the country! ๐Ÿ™‚

when you’re not making things, what do you do?

I am currently a Director for RAW artists and I travel to Columbus, OH and Indianapolis, IN once a month to put on art events there. I meet a lot of amazing artists and have made many amazing friends. I love camping, rock climbing, and spending as much time as possible at the beach. A large chunk of my time is spent obsessing over my corgi, Cricket.

is creativity a luxury or a necessity for you?

Creativity is a necessity for me. I don’t know what kind of person I would be without it. I find that when I have spent too much time not creating, I become grumpy and cynical. It keeps me balanced and gives me something to be proud of.

where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration through all things vintage and antique. Nature and being outdoors inspires me as much as the artists I surround myself with.

whatโ€™s on the horizon for you and what you do?

Hopefully in the next year or so Bethany and I will be able to work together more often and be able to get our business legitimized more so that we can pursue making Foxboxes bigger and better!

what inspiring advice would you give to other creatives be they established or just starting out?

Stay driven, focused, and inspired. Even if you have to stand back and take a break, that’s okay. Sometimes the struggle is what pushes us forward as long as you don’t give up mid-stride.

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